

The exclusive coaching program for Mompreneurs who crave CONFIDENCE, BALANCE & ABUNDANCE.

This program is your step-by-step guide to ditch the self doubt and show up authentically in your business, ditch the "hustle culture" and manage your time so you can accomplish more in less time with less stress, rediscover your passion, and transform your side hustle into your main hustle.

Are you ready to shift from burn out to

balance and abundance?

What if....

Building a business didn't steal precious time from your family?

You didn't have to choose between building a business or being totally present for your family?

You had a clear path to building a profitable, joyful and sustainable business- a path that actually worked for YOU?

You could ditch the mom guilt for good?

You could actually create that time freedom and financial freedom you've been chasing?

You could accomplish more, in less time with less stress?

You could ditch those limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits that have been holding you back for way too long?

Your business left you energized and fulfilled instead of exhausted and overwhelmed?

Are you ready??

This program is your new blueprint for making more money in less time! Get the exact steps you need to ditch the “Hustle Culture”, grow your income, and grow your team even in the busiest seasons of life without missing the memories and moments with your family! (Yes, you can have it ALL!)

Get my exact systems that helped me to slash the time I spent on social media in half while doubling my income at the same time! Learn how to navigate the world of social media without having to live in your stories 24/7, post every day, or dance and lip-sync in a million reels.

I'll share the blueprint you need to grow and scale your business and recruit like crazy in 60 minutes a day… plus the secret to NOT feel guilty because you’re not working those other 23 hours each day!

You'll get the exact methods you need to ditch the “Hey Girl” messages and instead ATTRACT your next customer and your next rockstar recruit without chasing them in the DMs. Imagine a life where people reach out to YOU to work with you… yes, that’s possible!

Who the ABC Method for Mompreneurs is For

This program is for the Mompreneur who's hustling all day and night, but not seeing the growth (and income) to match that hustle.

It's for the Mompreneur who struggles with time management an is finally ready to create BALANCE between running her business and raising babies.

It's for the Mompreneur who just can't seem to force herself to do the vital business building behaviors, even though she cares so damn much.

It's for the Mompreneur who wants to grow her business AUTHENTICALLY, without feeling like Spammy Tammy.

It's for the Mompreneur who wants to grow a business that provides TIME & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, but doesn't want to sacrifice those precious moments with her babies getting there.

It's for the Mompreneur who knows her family is worth it, but sometimes wonders if she's capable of building it.

It's for the Mompreneur who's thought about quitting- maybe more than once- but truly wants to make this business work.

It's for the Mompreneur at any point in her journey- whether she's brand new to building a business or has already built a stable business.

It's for the Mompreneur who's ready to let go of all of the self-doubt, self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs that have held her back from building the business of her dreams!

What can I Expect From Amanda?

I'll help you to identify the limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits that have held you back in your business and your life (beliefs and habits you've been blind to!)

I'll help you to understand the origin of those limiting beliefs and give you insight into why you hold those beliefs so tightly.

I'll listen to you and provide tough love accountability with ZERO judgement along the way.

I'll show you my proven method for creating a vision that manifests into reality for your life.

I'll share the mindset and belief system that will radically change your daily thoughts and actions.

I'll cheer you on every step of the way.

What's Included

When you enroll in the ABC Method for Mompreneurs Coaching Program, you'll get access to the Coaching, the Simple, Proven Systems & Strategies, and the Accountability you need to slay your business goals and transform your side hustle into your main hustle!

  • 60 minute goal setting & discovery call to help you get huge wins fast
  • Access to Marco Polo for training, questions, community, & feedback
  • Weekly live Zoom trainings that will shape your mindset & accelerate your success
  • Time Management Strategies so you can create balance and freedom in your business
  • Mindset training to uproot your old beliefs and plant new beliefs that will leave you feeling joyful, abundant and energized
  • Simple Systems & Strategies to drive your business forward, slay your social media game and create more abundance in your business
  • Access to all training playbacks(Because, well, mom life happens!)
  • Community & Support with other mama who know the struggles of #MompreneurLife
  • Tough love accountability
  • a complete mindset transformation
  • And More...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I barely have time in my day now. Will I have time to devote to this program?

A: There is never a good time to start. You have time for the things that are important to you. I know your business is important to you, and so I know you can make time for this! Plus, this program will help you to create the balance that you don't have right now! So if time management and overwhelm are things you struggle with, you really can't afford NOT to dive into this program with me!

Q: How much time does this program require?

A: There will be one weekly Group Coaching Call that is approximately 1 hour. Implementation of the strategies and systems should not require additional time in your week. Instead, I'll teach you how to earn back time from the tasks you're already doing! #Winning

Q: I'm not sure if I really need a coach. Could I achieve the same results on my own?

A: EVERYONE needs a coach. That's not an exaggeration! You could achieve the same mindset and business transformation on your own. But there's a reason you haven't yet. There's a piece of the puzzle that's missing. You can't see the forest when you're surrounded by the trees. That's what I do as a coach- I help you to find that missing piece and place it into the puzzle that is balancing Mom life and Mompreneur Life. When you hire a coach, it dramatically shortens the distance between where you are now and reaching that dream life you desire- and DESERVE! If you could skip the mistakes and heartaches along the road to success, wouldn't you? That's exactly what I can help you do!

Q: Is this program only for Moms?

A: This program is only for women. (Sorry, fellas! I can refer you to some awesome coaches who do work with men though!) Although I primarily work with mamas, if you're not a Mom I'm still happy to welcome you into the Mastermind.

Q: What if I miss a training?

A: No worries! All trainings will be recorded and available to you for replay (Bonus trainings too!)

Q: What time are the trainings?

A: Times vary! I still work part time as a dental hygienist, and so my work schedule and #momlife sometimes dictate the times of the Mastermind Calls. I try to poll Mastermind members and accommodate what works best for the majority though.

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: Yes! Reach out and I'm happy to create a payment plan that works for you.

Q: I still have questions. Can we chat?

A: Absolutely! You can schedule a 20 minute Discovery Call with me, totally free! Let's chat about whether or not this program is the next right step for YOU and your business! Just click on the button below, and you can access my schedule and choose a time that works for you. You can also contact me through my Home page, on FB or IG, or text with me through the app in the lower right corner of your screen!

@ 2022- Amanda Masterson, Mompreneur Coach| All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy